Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All The New Things

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a couple of quick thoughts this evening. I am here at work doing this between some rarther tedious tasks, so it will be a short one today. The first order of business is the changes here. The links on the left are for my other pages. The Cinema Project is where I am posting my movie reviews. I decided to have a separate page for that because, well, it's more fun for me. The R&D Pages are where I am going to post the details of my classes and other things I find interesting. That is a lot better than lumping them all in here. The Photography Page is pretty self explanitory. I wanted to have a page just for pictures.

That is all the blog updates that I have done so far. This page will be just for my daily adventures and amusing thoughts.

So, that is enopugh about this. Stay tuned everyone. And if you are interested, my review of Penelope is up on The Cinema Project.

Good night everyone! Hope you enjoy the new stuff!


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