That is if you believe the saying “you are what you eat.” Or in this case drink. That would imply that I am a highly concentrated cocktail of caffeine and B- vitamins, and have an odd flavor that no one can seem to put their finger on (if you have tried the stuff you will know what I am talking about).
I am not the only great mind that enjoys caffeine. Behold others:
“I have measures out the course of my life in coffee spoons” –T.S. Elliot.
“A mathematician is a person who turns coffee onto theorems.” –I forget who.
And today: school, school, school. First off is my physics lab. The class structure is basically the T.A. gives a short lecture on what we will be doing and then we do the lab. The lab today consisted of measuring the speed of sound with a variety on different equipment and figuring the error into our calculations and such. Also using a very un-user friendly computer program called “Datastudio”. It was developed by the University of Denver, and because of that I will now shake my fist at the state of Colorado for years to come.
One of the experiments we used a long cardboard tube with a microphone on the top to measure the sound speed from the top to the bottom and back up again. We finished the lab a little early and had some fun with that. Have you ever wondered what snapping your fingers, hitting a tuning fork and clapping your hands looks like on a graph? Here’s a hint: it’s a mess. Fun though (for me at least because of my nerdy leanings).
The best thing is having a competent lab partner. Unlike numb-nuts from last semester, this one doesn’t drag out the lab for unnecessarily long and irritating hours, only to arrive at the same point that the T.A. did at the beginning of class. Just study at home if you are confused. Don’t run my afternoon (in the long shot case you are reading this numb-nuts). And I know I said that I would not use real names, but his “real” name I am positive as an alias. To this day I am thoroughly convinced his parents named him Numb-nuts Clark.
After that is Optics. Being the photographer and camera lover that I am, this class also holds a great deal of potential for fun. And it’s especially fun now that we’re getting into optical systems. And guess what that is? Lenses!! (Every one together: Duh Mr. T.) JOY!!!! Though my excitement does come bitter sweet. Lenses and optical systems are a slippery slope of complication and frustration. It’s a labor of love though.
Then it was back home at about 3:30 to grab my calculus book. I let the dogs out and back in again, and I was off to Beans & Brews to get my self ready for a quiz tomorrow. Why would I study at a coffee shop you might ask? Well, yes there are people and music, but no one bothers you, and you stop noticing all of the other distractions. Every thing else melts away and you are just absorbed into a Zen of math and physics. That’s one of the problems with doing homework at home- all of the distractions are a little to hard to ignore: T.V. and all of my other things in my room and last but not least: my ever so comfortable bed. And let's not forget: thier fabulous drink, the "Mr. B." It is a mix of white coco and all sorts of other "mmmmm". Dionysus himself barely makes a better beverage.
I can do homework at work when it is slow, but when I am in the Zen of nerdy-ness and my manager walks up to me and starts asking questions it takes me a moment to realize who she is and where I am. I am not kidding. I would forget my own birthday in that Zen. But when it is slow work actually proves to also be a very beneficial place of study. But I do not want to spend too much unnecessary time there. That’s just creepy.
Then I came back home and started blogging about my day.
Halloween in September!
From Russia with Love and I are going to try and see that tonight. It took a lot of “Please! If you love me….!”- I’m just kidding about that part- I think she is mildly interested herself.
That’s pretty much the day in a nutshell. And honestly I am tired of being on the computer now, and I promise I will have a link and pictures up soon!