Well, I’m here at work till 1am tonight and back at 1130am tomorrow. But after that there are a few days off. The weekend is going well (what is outside of work). School is good so far other that I still do not have my Thermodynamics book (stupid bookstore is sure taking their time on getting it in). I had a tarot card reading from my friend Bubbles here at work about the outcome of the semester. It was a 3 card reading, so here are the results of that:
Card 1- Ten of Swards
This card is supposed to represent the past. Or with this specific question asked, is how I got to this situation. And the card is a bad one. Basically it is “Ruin”. Well, yes I have had problems at school, maybe wasted some time, and had less than desirable grades at times, and study issues etc., but I would not call it “Ruin”. More like I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way.
Card 2- Seven of SwardsThis card is supposed to be danger or a challenge, and represents the present. It basically is stating the obvious, that if I slack off, and with classes like these that is a big “No-No”, so the point of this one: study. And work I guess, because I am at a point in school where I am not going to get by on the skin of my teeth anymore. How would Harry Potter say it? “Lazy-us be gone-us!”
Card 3- (I don’t remember the number) of Hearts
I really don’t remember the number of the card, but I do remember the meaning. This card represents the future. And the point of this one was reflection and re-organization or a re-evaluation of sorts. It fits well, considering I will be starting another semester in less than two weeks after this one.
And I have not seen any note worthy movies lately, nor read anything other than text books, so I have nothing new to post about that.
From Russia with Love and I went to the
Mayan to watch people try out for the new diver positions that opened. Some of them were servers that had the attitude of “that’s easy. Any one can do that!” and we watched them shake in fear and back away or land painfully in the water. One girl was actually on her way off the rock (about 25 feet high or so) when she slipped and into the water she went anyway. I felt bad for her, because she was a kitchen sweeper and wanted to do something more fun, and when she had the chance, got so scared she decided to quit, then fell ass backwards into the water. When you have an opportunity to reach out for something better, the worst thing is quitting, that will sit in your conscience for a long time. Even if you do not get it, when you have the chance to reach for a better anything, grab it and hold on as long as you can. If the opportunity passes, make sure it knows it was in a fight.
I haven’t been shooting much with my new camera (haven’t had the time) but I will post the pics as soon as I can. I know I say that a lot, and I was thinking about getting another site just for those (still may happen), but other matters are more pressing.