Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Updates and a Q&A

Hey every one!

Well, today has been the usual rush from place to place and getting things done. School is going well, as is work. You can tell they are going well by how busy they are. It’s kinda simple: the magnitude of the Busy Factor is proportional to the Wellitude of the task in question. The empirical conclustion to that statement is ‘I may vary well loose my mind soon’.

Let’s just do the checklist:

Quantum Mechanics and Relativity- Very cool, and I like the professor. This is shaping out to be a great course.

Thermodynamics- Get a load of this! The test that was open note/book that was ridiculously hard- remember that one? Well the professor was going to go over some solutions to the problems, and he could not do it! He couldn’t take his own test! What kind of a crock is that?!?!?

Theoretical Electromagnetism- Wow. This is a biggie and a hardie. Just when I thought ‘hey, this can’t possibly get any more complicated can it?’ my suspicions were proved wrong. This is definitely the new Optics. Moreover, it’s the new Bane of my Existence.

Other things- They have been pretty much non existent. So, in lieu of not having any other signs of ‘life’, I decided to take another questionnaire I found on another blog:

10 years ago I was: An awkward kid with too many pimples and scared if high school

5 things on my 'to do' list today:
1. Go to class (10:30- 11:30)
2. Go to work (1:00- 9:30)
3. Go home and do homework (9:30ish- ???)
4. Try and do something recreational
5. Realize I am too tired for recreation, go to bed.

5 Things I would do if I became a billionaire:
1. Buy a house
2. Buy a car
3. Get friends and family out of debt
4. Travel to cool places, take pictures
5. Have a Vineyard (don’t ask me why, it just sounds romantic.)

3 Of my bad habits:
1. I cuss too much.
2. Cut my fingernails/eat in bed
3. I can be neglectful.

5 Places I've lived:
1. My parent’s house
2. Neverland
3. In my own thoughts (until I am evicted by reality)
4. In the thoughts of others (cartoons, books etc.)
5. In From Russia with Love’s eyes

5 Jobs I've had:
1. Cutting the tops of my fingers off repeatedly (I mean a service Deli)
2. A store that sells products labeled “Not Sold in Stores”.
3. A brief stint at Jungle Jim’s Playland (it’s a long story)
4. Jungle Tony’s Playland (I mean Camera Den)
5. Prints Plus Poster Store

2 Things most people don't know about me:
1. I’m a sucker for good poetry
2. I like to flip through AM stations and listen to odd programs late at night on my way home.


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