Friday, February 22, 2008


Good evening everyone.

Today has been dull. So dull in fact, I don’t think I am even going to bother with the checklist. Just the one class, off to the bank, then home to take care of a few things (the dogs, tuition payment etc.) then to here at work where I sit, staring at the screen without a lot to do. Not that I don’t have anything mind you, I just finished it all for the time being. We are working on a massive audit project, and it’s not my turn on that yet. That torch will be passed to me at about 9:30 tonight, and I will complete as much as I can (as much as I can stand anyway). Then I imagine it will be to the books to get some studying done, mostly for Thermodynamics. Other things are pretty tame; or non existent really. There’s not much ‘adventuring’ to blog about when I am at work till midnight, then go home and go to bed. I think if they make a Biography of me one day it will be called: Indiana T and the Uninteresting Blog.

Well, and the other subject that I have been bombarded with lately in life: Babies, Babies, Babies! (not my own thank you). So, here you are; my lighter side of that (click to enlarge for easy viewing):


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