Saturday, February 2, 2008

Boldly Going Where No Man Should Go

Captain’s Blog, Star Date 222008,

I went to a baby shower. That’s right. I am now one of three men in the entire world who have been to one of these strange estrogen fueled oddities, and I have returned with tales of the bizarre and unusual. Well, not really. It was a baby shower/work get together, and I was also a mode of transportation for my friend Bubbles. And as far as the gifts were concerned, I just chipped in a few bucks, and Boss Lady went and got something nice for the guys, as we are pre-disposed to a lack of taste in all things “cute”.

After I picked up Bubbles, we drove out to Boss Lady’s house and a good time was had by all. Even myself for the short time I was there. Having to work today, my stay there was rather brief, only an hour or so. We got to see her open some of her gifts, and had some refreshments, then it was a few quick pictures and out the door again.

I think the Pope hates me….

I found an article on Yahoo News that the Pope is speaking out on bioethical issues. He says that stem cell research and artificial insemination among other things is has shattered human dignity. Define human dignity for me will you please? There are many other tragedies and massacres and genocides and horrible examples of human behavior that surround us, and this is what “shatters human dignity”? Trying to understand the world around us, helping the ill and the ones that can not or chose not to take part in life’s normal processes is wrong? This is what he is concerned with? I found that a little laughable. In fact here is a quote from the story:

“It was the Pope's latest foray into scientific issues. On Monday he warned against the "seductive" powers of science, saying it was important that science did not become the sole criteria for goodness.”

Way to take us boldly into the 16th century buddy. So much for advancement. Still believe we are only five thousand years old? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

I plan on getting the photo page up by this week, as homework should slow down for a couple of days.


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