Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today’s Grumblings

Good evening everyone.

Sometimes staring at this blank page makes me think that I have nothing to say, and then the words come out, filling the page with my wit and banter, some times drivel and dismay. Other times on rare occasions it will be just plain weird and un-funny. The words come out from my head and I end up typing pages on Microsoft word, ready for you, dear readers, on my electronic web updates for a rather uninteresting life.

Today is not one of those days I guess. Or it may turn out to be so, just depending on how much I feel like typing. Let’s start with a quick rundown of my day:

Noon: I finally woke, and got dressed.

Noon-fifteen-ish: ate a tuna fish sandwich that Mom made for me (thank you Mom)!

The repair man for the dryer came, and now I do not have to wear wet clothes.

Parents went shopping, and I went back to bed until approximately 3pm, then I awoke again to come here to work.

And today I think that I am going to have a little venting. Let’s see, things that pissed me off or just plain bothered me today:

1- Upon arriving at work, I knew I had a few problems to deal with. But when I am trying to deal with them, contact the appropriate people to have the problems fixed, and all I get is guff. One person I had to contact, was just plain irritated that I had called, never mind that I was trying to help him out with the situation, or save him trouble in the future, he was just plain rude and irritated that he had to do his job at work. Go figure.

2- I had a large craving for Taco Time today for lunch. So that is where I went. There are actually two things about this adventure that irritated me. Thing the first: when I am less hungry than I think, and I end up ordering way too much food. I have an entire plate of Nachos Grande that I could not give away.

3- Thing the second: this conversation between two guys in separate rock bands:

Guy1: Do you guys still play that song, the one that goes duh-duh-neewew-nah-new-neh-nah-duh-tah-denuhhh?

Guy2: Yeah, but we changed it to go da-neah-neah-neu-nanna-duh-newwwew-the-nanah-ne-dahhh

Guy1: Woah! That totally rocks! We’ve got one that goes nah-nenah-tedenah-neweewenahdah-nannah-nahen-dah-tendha.

Guy2: That’s freakin’ sweet! We are working on one that goes dah-nehnahneh-dah-neewe-han-nahten-dah-denuh-tanhah (start’s tapping his fingers on the table) dah-nenah-tedah-nennah-tewenah-DAH-NAHTEHAH-DAH-DUH!

Guy1: Woah! You guys rock hardcore!

The conversation continued in this manner for the entire duration of my standing in line waiting for my food. It was near impossible to choke back the laughter.

One day, if they try hard enough, they just might make it to the big time. And if by big time you mean: drunk at their dad’s house when they are 55, they have success written all over them.

4- Rubik’s Cubes: they are forged by Lucifer himself. Those things are irritating to no end, and yet no one can put one down until it is solved. They are meant to enslave humanity, and have driven lesser men to insanity. They need to be destroyed and sent back to the Fiery Hell from where they came!

That will do it for me tonight folks, because frankly I’m tired and can’t muster any more.


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