Yesterday was a bit of a study-a-thon to say the least. About 8 hours of it or so, all for a test today that I think I did decent on.
Hey let’s do the checklist:
Thermodynamics- This is the class that the mid-term was in. I spent all day yesterday and last night studying for this monster. And as it turns out, the entire test was open note/book. That sounded awewsome until I got the test, and to my dismay it was hard enough that the notes/books were somewhat useless. Go figure.
Everything else is going well now that it’s the weekend. Yes I still have small amounts of homework, but I plan on doing a lot of slacking. Going through school and work, I have lots of nothing piling up, and I need to get on top of that soon.
Also, due to the recent developments as mentioned above, I have not done the photo page. I will try for this weekend, but no promises.
Today’s is a short one, I know. Hopefully this will be the end of your reading on Monday, because I hope to be posting this weekend. So to leave you all on a cool note, here is the new teaser poster for the next James Bond movie:
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