Friday, January 25, 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Lucky

Good evening folks.

I know it’s been a while since I posted, and to be honest there has been a lot going on. School is good. Time for the checklist:

Quantum Mechanics and Relativity- this class is going well, and nothing noteworthy to report. Just lectures and homework. With an interesting course title like that, you would expect more, and I’m sure there will be.

Thermodynamics- more of the same from above. Just without the cool course title. Oh, and the bookstore finally got my book in after taking their sweet ass time, so studying will be a great deal easier.

Theoretical Electromagnetism- is a growing pain with no relief in sight for now. My ‘getting through this course’ can be exemplified with a multiple choice question. So here we go, quiz time! What should Professor T do to get through this class?

1) Read, study until I can count my IQ points with my shoes on.

2) Read, survive on Caffeine.

3) Read, burn Midnight Oil.

4) Have Panic Attack, Crap Pants, Read.

5) All of the above

Correct Answer: 5.

Tonight I have tickets for Choke. For those of you who do not read Chuck Palahniuk, you will not like this movie. For those of you who do, I will tell you how on earth they managed to stay true to the book and keep it under NC-17 (or the failures of). This movie is also premiering at Sundance, which is a large step away from the other Chuck Palahniuk novel-to-movie Fight Club, which had a huge theatrical release and such (and larger budget most likely). As long as they have the “essence” of Chucky P. the movie will be a hit (at least in my book, no pun intended). They also do not need a large budget for this movie, the story not requiring any huge effects.

And now for something completely different: the sad news, or why I didn’t do my photo page yesterday. We got word yesterday from our corporate offices that there will be layoffs. In my department. I managed to scrape by with my job. The hours may change, and duties may shift, but I will still be here for now, sans 2/3 of my friends. When I say “for now” I mean that it is only a matter of time before something is more 'cost effective' than myself. However that does not bother me, because there are two things that I am hoping will last me through college- this job and my car. Both have been very near extinction, so just a little longer please. They at least gave every one 3 months notice, which was nice. Much nicer than my last job.

To cheer myself up, I went to my buddy Dr. MookieLove’s place and we just hung out and watched great cartoons, and hilarious movies. Hopefully with another addition of cinematic greatness tonight.


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