Thursday, August 28, 2008

Illogical Deduction

Good morning everyone,

Being that I am working for the better part of this fine Thursday, I don't have much to say. So I am going to spend some time going over some business terms that I have encountered here to draw an important conclusion. This conclusion is a startling revelation coming from in the torrid depths of my psyche.

The most important phrase concerning the above mentioned terms is Efficiency. This concept is governed by one of the most fundamental laws in physics: the energy going into a system must be equal to the energy going out, or better known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. Here, for example, this translates into me needing more energy. One can also apply this law to other business terms to achieve an appropriate definition or, better yet; a situation appropriate interpretation of their meaning. Observe:

Quality Control: I need more coffee.

Consistency: I need more coffee.

Efficiency: I need more coffee.

Productivity: I need more coffee.

Conclusion: all of my higher order brain functions are absent prior to 10 am.


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